Pcstitch software
Pcstitch software

pcstitch software
  1. #Pcstitch software full version#
  2. #Pcstitch software software#
  3. #Pcstitch software trial#
  4. #Pcstitch software free#
pcstitch software

#Pcstitch software free#

If the version number is 7 or higher, you can open the pattern using our FREE pattern viewer program. If the version number is 6 or lower, you can open it with your software. On the pattern page for every design, the downloadable format section will show you if it can be downloaded in PCStitch format. If you own PCStitch and want to use it to open your designs, you need to verify the version number on the pattern file first. If you would like to try PCStitch 7, Click Here! The first number (major number) indicates the version of Start PCStitch on yourĬomputer, then choose the About option from the Help menu.Ī window will be displayed showing you the version number of your You are running, you can check from the program. Version of the Pattern Viewer software, even if you already have PCStitch 7. In order to view and print these files, you will need to have the latest Some of the newer patterns are only being offered in the new Pattern Viewer File Format You are running version 7 you have everything you need to open any of the The current release of PCStitch is version 7.

#Pcstitch software software#

So there you have it, two NEW TO YOU craft design software programs.PCStitch has been around for a long time (over 15 years!) and has gone through PCStitch 10 is a Cross-Stitch Design Software it appears very similar to the Plastic Canvas Design Software. It also has a different product on the page: **Product/Company Information: Out of courtesy I did some searching and found another website for the company. Then print screen (PrtSc button) & pasting (ctrl+v) into graphics program. From within the design program, click edit, then select all (a box surrounds the design. I used the graphics program to SAVE my patterns. With that said, I often use a graphic program to design signature tags and other graphics. *Note: I’ll say it again, some features are non-functional without purchase (SAVE & PRINT). All in all I think I like the program and may get some use out of it. I probably could have adjusted it within the program before *saving. I don’t care for how they outlined it considering the originals were both outlined with a thick black border. There are a couple of options for choosing which color family you’re using, but the options are limited (3 or 4 I think). So far I like the program, for the exception of the non-usable features because without them, you can’t save or even print out your patterns. Even if you decide not to purchase the Plastic Canvas Design Studio, you can keep the software installed as long as you wish to print patterns you might find on the Internet. There is no time limitation or expiration date for your evaluation. The only limitations are the Save feature is disabled, and you can print unmodified designs only.

#Pcstitch software full version#

You can download the full version here at no cost or obligation. We invite you to try the Plastic Canvas Design Studio for yourself. If you do wish to purchase, I would try calling first.** I don’t know if they company still exists. I caution you, though, the website is copyright in 2005. There are two software options: 1) download or 2) on CD. There are three purchase options: 1) Order Online 2) Order by Phone and 3) Order by snail mail (aka postal mail). However, without purchasing it ($19.95 USD) there are a few features that cannot be used (save & print).

#Pcstitch software trial#

I haven’t tested that yet.Įvaluate the software FREE there is no trial period for testing it. It also appears that you might even be able to design your own patterns within the program. Now, I have only used the program once, but it seems that you use it to turn a photo or graphic into a pattern for plastic canvas crafts, and possibly for cross-stitching too. I quickly Google’d the name, found it, read about it and downloaded it. The comment mentioned a software program for plastic canvas pattern designs ( Plastic Canvas Design Studio). The photo indeed was a better view, and there was a comment that got my attention as well. When the page loaded I clicked on the coverphoto to get a better (hopefully larger) view of the picture. It was a craft page that I can only guess is no longer being updated, as there have been no posts since August 2014. It was a photo of Sesame Street’s Elmo just his face. My husband had been teasing me about something so I told him to be careful because I might make something for him that I know he’ll just love. I was on Facebook yesterday when there was a photo that caught my eye.

Pcstitch software